Working on freelance jobs is a legitimate way to work at home and make money online without investment. Freelance writers can start making money online writing content for clients and make extra money that way to supplement their income.
One of the ways writers can make money online are freelance blogging jobs. There are many blogs online that are in constant need of new fresh and original content. Many blog owners write their own content, but there are also blog owners that pay for their content and this opens online moneymaking opportunities for freelance writers or everyone else who has knowledge on certain topic and wish to monetize it by writing about it.
What freelance blog writer does is writing blog posts for clients that will be published on their blogs. There are certain requirement that quality blog posts must meet. Blog posts must be original and informative as well as optimized for search engines. Writing blog posts is not easy because they are written for both people and search engines. There is work that need to be done like doing online research as well as finding right keywords which will help to drive more traffic to the blog from search engines.
It can take around couple of hours doing the necessary research and writing a quality blog post. If a certain freelance blog writer can dedicate two or three hours every day then he can expect to write several articles every week. If he can dedicate more time than he could write more posts and earn more money. As a paid blog writer you will most likely need to write 300 – 500 words posts for your clients and the pay rate will be in the range of $5 - $50.
Working on freelance blogging jobs has number of advantages. You don’t have a work schedule, you can work anytime and anyplace you want. You can work in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening or late at night, whenever you have extra time. You can dedicate couple of hours every morning or couple of hours every night to work on freelance blog writing gigs or you can work one hour in the morning and one hour late at night, it’s all up to you. You can work anywhere you want. You can work at home or in the park. You can also take your laptop and work in a café or you can take your laptop with you while you are on vacation and work there. Having this kind of freedom is what’s great about being freelance blog writer.
Places where you can find paid blogging jobs
If you wish to start making money online with paid blogging jobs there are a number of websites where you can find work. Some of them are :
- job board. Problogger is a great place to find articles about blogging. If you are interested to learn about how to blog and make money with a blog this is great place for it. You can find many freelance blogging jobs in the job board. There you can find many high paying blog writing jobs.
- is an online freelance jobs marketplace. There are many freelance jobs posted from all categories among them there are many jobs for blog writers posted in the writing and content and blog category
- is another online freelance jobs marketplace similar to Freelancer .com. There are thousands of freelancers that make money online on Elance. You can find blog writing jobs listed in the writing and web content writer category.
- is a blog about freelance writers having many articles and tips for freelance writers. You can find blogging jobs posted under the blogging jobs category.
- job board. Freelance switch is a blog about freelancing. There are many jobs posted here from all categories including many blog writing jobs.
- is an internet marketing forum. There are many jobs posted in the Wanted - Members Looking To Hire You forum section. Among them you can find blog writing jobs.
- is a freelance writing blog with many tips and articles about free lance writing. You can find blogging jobs in the posted as web content writer/editor.
- is blog about blogging. There is also a job board where you can find many freelance blog writing jobs posted.
- is freelance marketplace similar to and The jobs that will interest you are listed in the web content, blog & article writing category.
- is another place where you can find jobs. Just type “blogging” and “blog writing” and click on “find jobs” button.
- is similar to Type the job title in the search box and click on the search jobs button to find all relevant job postings.
- has many listed jobs. To find freelance jobs you are interested in click on jobs/find job and then search for blogging or blog writing on the left sidebar.
How to start making money as a freelance blog writer
There are many blogs online that require constant flow of fresh content and this provides freelance blog writers with many money making opportunities. If you are interested in making money witing blog posts here are some tips to help you get started:
- Create your own blog. If you want to become a freelance blog writer then you should create a blog of your own. There are many reasons why you should have a blog of your own. First of all your blog will be a place where you can develop your writing skills. The more you write and publish on your blog the more proficient you will be in writing original and quality blog posts. Your blog will be the showcase of your skills where your potential clients can see your blog writing skills. If th idea of starting your blog intimidates you because you think that it maybe very expensive and very difficult that is not the case. To create your own blog will cost you nothing if you decide to use free blogging platform like Blogger or DevHub, or only few dollars a month for web hosting and about 10 dollars a year for domain name if you want to create your own self hosted blog. Creating a blog today is also very easy and even those with little or no technical skills using blogging platforms like Wordpress or Blogger.
- Learn all you can about keyword research and search engine optimization. Blog writing is different than writing for printed media. Blog posts are published online and they to be written for both people and the search engines. People want content that will be useful, well written and easy to read that will provide them with the information that is of some value to they. Search engines want original content written around words and word phrases that people use to search online called keywords. If you use keywords than it will be easier for your target audience to find you and visit your blog. Because of this you must learn how to write content that will be loved by both people and search engines.
- Promote your articles. After you write articles and post them next them is to promote them to the target audience or no one will visit your blog. By promoting your work will get noticed and you will establish your reputation as expert in your field. There are many ways you can promote your content. One of them is by using social media like Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon. If your article are well written and contain helpful information they will become popular and you will build your reader base. Other way to promote your work is by guest posting on other blogs. There are many blogs that will allow you to write a guest post if you ask them. Some of them will say no but if you succeed in convincing one or two established blogs with high traffic to publish your post then you will be able to showcase your work infront of many readers. If you write quality content then blog owners will look on you as someone who is an expert and that will open many online money making opportunities for you as a freelance blog writer.
- Write the best you can. Freelance blog writing can be very lucrative if you are prepared to work hard and always to the best job you can. If you write quality articles and deliver what your clients are expecting from you and maybe even exceed their expectations than you can expect that you will be the first person they turn to next time they need content written for them. By writing the best you can every time and delivering on time will also help establish your reputation as a expert in your field and you can expect to be paid high price for your work. On the other hand if your work is not of constant quality you will ruin your reputation in the long run and your high paying clients will go somewhere else next time when they need content written for their blog.
- Specialize in one topic. There are many topics you can write about: technology, science, finance, entertainment but it’s probably the best that you choose one topic in the beginning and start working hard to establish your reputation as an expert. There is nothing wrong to write blog content about various topics, but it’s best you start with one and in time you can expand to other topics.