Working online as virtual assistant is legitimate way to star making money online. Being virtual assistant is a way to for many people to earn online for free and without investment. There are a companies that hire virtual assistants online and websites where you can find jobs for virtual assistants. Here are some places where jobs for virtual assistants can be found:
Fancy hands is a company that hire people to work from home as virtual assistants. People that are interested in working for Fancy can apply on their website, however FancyHands does not always hire so if you are interested you should check do they hire and come back later if they don’t hire new virtual assistants at the moment. As an employee of FancyHands you will work on task such as schedule meetings, internet research, proofreading articles etc.
AlpineAccess is another company that hires virtual assistants. People can make extra money online working on virtual assistants jobs from the comfort of their home. People like stay at home parents, retired people, people with disabilities and students can apply to AlpineAccess and start making money online in their free time. Once you submit your application to AlpineAccess you will have to go through interview process which is done to review experience test the skills of the applicants and determine if the job is right for them. This interview will take two hours and will is done in front of a computer and over the phone to test the computer and time management skills of the applicants.
Zirtual is a company that hires virtual personal assistants. People who are interested in making extra money like stay at home moms can join Zirtual. Zirtual expects from all assistants strong computer, internet research, communication and organizational skills, as well as high speed internet and phone line. Availability during working hours and experience with office tools like Microsoft Word, Excell and Outlook are also required.
eaHelp is another company that hires Virtual Assistants. Applicants need to have atleast five years of experience as an executive assistant, project manager or similar. Also bachelor degree is preferred as well as being comfortable in working as a member of a virtual team which members and manager are located elsewhere.
Staff - is a company that hires virtual assistants to work for US, UK, Australian companies. To join is completely free for workers. hires workers interested in long term jobs who want to make money working from home. Staff offers jobs for virtual personal assistants and also Data entry jobs, Accounting, Design, Telephone Support, Programming and other telecommuting and remote jobs. Applicant’s can sign up for free and receive job offers from clients.
Hiremymom is open to those interested in making money online working from home that have experience, marketable skills and will to do great job. If you have a minimum experience in areas like administrative, writing, graphic design, editing, accounting, web design, customer service, coaching, public relations, marketing, sales, bookkeeping, database development, medical billing, etc . And if you are prepared to work hard to meet deadlines and deliver excellent service you can join Hiremymom and they will connect you with clients interested in your services.
Ziptask is another place where freelance virtual assistants can find jobs. Ziptask is similar to freelance marketplace websites. Those interested making money online with Ziptask need to apply and fill out a skillset questionnaire just like on other freelance website, and in addition need to upload their resume. After your resume is in order you will be contacted within few days and give details on how to use their platform.