There are many ways people are making money online. Some are working on freelance jobs, others join affiliate networks and promote products for a commission, building websites and make money from AdSense  ads. All of these are legitimate ways to earn online, but one of the easy ways to make money online and preferred by many people is by offering your services or gigs on website called Fiverr.

To get started is easy, just open an account and offer your service for $5. You can offer to do anything you want write an article, install wordpress, write a recipe, edit video, translate a text from one language to another, design a logo and almost anything you can think off and may be of some use to somebody  you can offer to do for $5. After you finish the gig the clients pay $5, after all fees you receive around $4 dollar for every successfully finished gig.

Fiverr is great place for anyone to start making money online but for those interested there are also alternatives. Some of them are:

  1. Gigbucks is one of the best Fiverr alternatives.  An advantage over Fiverr is that it allows sellers to put a price tag for their gig in the range of $5 - $50 dollars, unlike Fiverr where all gigs are priced $5.

  2. Zeerk is another alternative with gigs ranging in price from $2 to $100. Sellers can charge what they think their work is worth.

  3. SEOClerks has gigs in price range $5 to $40. If you are interested in doing jobs related to search engine optimization this site maybe one of the best online marketplace to find buyers. Blog posts, forum posts, building backlinks etc are some of the things you can offer to do for money.

  4. Tenyt– site that is very similar to Fiverr. The difference is that the price for every task is set at $10.

  5. Twentyville is another good alternative to Fiverr. Sellers can start making money online by offering services like graphic design, advertising, editing for a price of $10 or $20.

  6. Tenbux - ofer to do tasks from many categories starting at $5.

  7. Gighours - site where freelancers and SEO workers can offer their services for prices starting at $1.

  8. Fourerr - gret website for buying and selling services for $4.

  9. Imgigz - website where you can offer services related to internet marketing.

  10. Gigsbull-  Gugzbull was previously called Dollar3. You can start making money by offering services you can do for $3 to $100. Workers can choose to be paid by Paypal and Payza(Alertpay)

Fiverr is the most popular website of this kind online at the moment, but there are many alternatives. Although they may not have as many buyers as Fiverr does there is also less competition than there is on Fiverr. A word of advice would be to join as many as them as possible because that will greatly improve your chances of being hired.